This section contains biographical notes on artists whose data we have been able to collect. They are by no means conclusive as we continue to compile further information through ongoing research. Hence, it should perhaps be noted that the relative length of artists' biographies does not necessarily imply the degree of their importance. Furthermore, the information presented is to the best of our knowledge and we apologise for any discrepancies or unintentional errors of which we would highly appreciate being notified. This section continues to be updated. The names are listed in last name alphabetical order. See below for abbreviations used throughout.
Yousif Chati Abadi
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1954. Degree Painting and Graphic Technique, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, 1991; Painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Florence, Italy, 1981. Lives and works in Amersfoort, the Netherlands.
Ahmed Abbas
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1962. BA Fine Arts, IFA, 1982. Lives and works in the Netherlands.
Amin Abbas
Born Hilla, Iraq, 1943. BA Ceramics, AFA. Designed the emblem for the Union of Arab Women. Awards include: Golden Sail Award, 5th Kuwaiti Exhibition, Kuwait, 1977. Member and secretary of SIPA, 1979-82. Founding member for the Babylon Society of Artists.
Sa’di Abbas
Born Babylon, Iraq, 1953. BA Painting, Baghdad, 1976; MA Modern Painting, USA, 1984. Awards: First Prize, Al-Wasiti Festival, Baghdad, 1984 and Poster Design Competitions, 1980, 79. Memberships: IAA/AIAP (UNESCO). Artwork in private collections: New York; Paris; Rome; London; Buenos Aires; Peking; Seoul; Moscow; Havana; Beirut; Algeria; Tunisia; Damascus; Amman; Kuwait; Nicosia; Tokyo; Doha; England. Lives and works in Baghdad where he is as an Associate Professor of Arts at the University of Baghdad.
Salman Abbas
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1945. Studied Fine Arts, AFA, 1964-8 where he taught and became Painting Department president, 1976-88. Worked as a professor of Fine Arts, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1968-74. Memberships: IAA/AIAP (UNESCO); SIPA; UIA; UAA. Prizes: Golden Sail Award, Kuwait, 1983. Artworks in numerous private collections: HRH Queen Rania al-Abdullah; President Zein al-Abdeen bin Ali, Tunisia; President of the Dominican Republic; Javier Perez De Cuellar-former UN secretary general and public collections: National Museums in Baghdad, Qatar, Jordan, Yugoslavia and Washington; Baghdad International Airport. Lives and works in Baghdad.
Bahjet Abbosh
Born Turkey, 1914. Diploma Interior Design, Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, 1950. Member of: The Pioneers; AFS; SIPA.
Hassan Abboud
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1956. BA Graphics, 1979; MA Graphics, AFA, 1982. Founding member The Four. Participated in most group exhibitions in Iraq and International Graphics Festivals in Norway, 1985; Yugoslavia, 1986 and Italy, 1989. Awards: Graphics Award, Al-Wasiti Festival, 1987. Lives and works in Iraq where he is a teacher of graphics at IFA.
Faraj Abbu (1921-8?)
Born Mosul, Iraq, 1921. Diploma Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Cairo, Egypt, 1950; Further Diploma, Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, Italy, 1954. Took part in numerous exhibition in and out of Iraq with solo exhibitions in 1963, 65, 77. Memberships: BGMA; SIPA; UIA. Taught art at AFA and the College of Architectural Engineering, Baghdad University.
Ibrahim al-Abdali
Born Iraq, 1940. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1965; MA Graphics, Manchester Polytechnic. Took part in most CIA exhibitions in Iraq, London, USA, USSR, Saudi Arabia and the Lebanon. Lives and works in Amman, Jordan, where he teaches Free Hand at the Architectural Department, Girls University.
Asim Abdul Amir
Born Diwanniya, Iraq, 1954. BA Painting, AFA, 1979; MA Painting, AFA 1982; PhD Art Theory, AFA, 1998. Awards: UIA First Prize, 1995; Honorary Awards: Sharja, 1989; SAC. Memberships: SIPA; UIA; General Union for Arab Authors; Founding member: The Four. Contributed critical art essays to several Arab newspapers and journals. Teaches Art Criticism, Aesthetics and History of Art to post-graduate students at the University of Babylon. Lives in Iraq where he works as an Assistant Professor at the University of Babylon.
Raghad Abdul Wahid
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1961. Diploma Sculpture, IFA, 1981; Diploma Language and French Culture, The Sorbon University, Paris, 1983; Diploma Sculpture, National School for Higher Fine Arts, 1987; MA Art Philosophy, The Sorbon University, Paris, 1991. Lives and works in Montreuil, France.
Iman Abdullah
Born Iraq, 1956. BA Graphics, IFA, 1980 with further studies in painting at AFA, 1984. Lives and works in Munchen, Germany.
Rayan Abdullah
Born Mosul, Iraq 1957. Studied in Rumania, 1978-80; Diploma Arabic Calligraphy Academy of Arts, Berlin, 1982-9; MA Development and Design ‘Modern Arabic Scripts’, 1991. Worked as a designer, Gallery 'Hoch Drei', Berlin, 1990-2; has taught at the Lette Verein graphics and design department since 1993; project leader (transport and orient) for Berlin City; senior designer for projects connected with Berlin City Transport, Potsdam City Transport, Transport Union of Northern Hessia, the Berlin Senate, the West German Broadcasting Cooperation, Nixdorf Computers, since 1995.
Shinyar Abdullah
Born Baqouba, Iraq, 1945. BA Ceramics, AFA, 1968; MA Ceramics, University of Michigan, USA, 1978. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Lives and works in Baghdad, where he is Assistant Professor at the Ceramics Department, AFA.
Adel Abdin
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1973. BA Plastic Arts, AFA, 2000; BSc in Industrial Management, Mansour University, Baghdad, 1994. Awards: Third Prize, Ismail Fattah Award for Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture, 1999. Memberships: SIPA, UIA. Artwork in private collections: Jordan; Lebanon; Syria; Turkey; Austria; France; Germany; Netherlands; Spain; Sweden; Finland; Canada; USA; Korea; Indonesia. Lives and works in Finland.
Born Kadr Karam, Kurdistan, Iraq, 1973. Studied at the Institute of Fine Art, Mosul, 1990-1; Diploma Fine Arts, Institute of Fine Arts, Sulaymannia, 1995. Other activities include: writing poetry, published in Watan al-Shams newspaper; Regay Kurdistan and articles covering various topics and interviews, Raman journal, Erbil e.g. Post Modernisim; poet Hashim Saraj; art critic Mohammed Arif. Initiated a Cultural and Art Centre in Kurdistan, which also encompasses a 3m tall stone sculpture by Adalet, 1998. Lectures in Fine Arts. Lives and works in Hull, England.
Firyal al-Adhamy
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1950. Initially, took up painting as a hobby, first working from own collection of Arab jewellery to later include museum textiles and jewels. Artwork in private and public collections: American/Arab-Discrimination Committee, USA; ITT Defence International, Florida; Heathrow International Airport, London, England; Arab-British Chamber of Commerce, London; Jeddah International Airport, Saudi Arabia; National Museum of Modern Art, Amman. Memberships: Womens Arts Library, England. Lives and works in Bahrain.
Mahoud Ahmed
Born Missan, Iraq, 1940. PhD Fine Arts, USSR, 1963. Took part in national exhibitions and conferences in Iraq and several other countries. Published a number of studies on art.
Modhir Ahmed
Studied at IFA, 1974-9; Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw, Poland, 1981-6; Computer Graphics, Skövde College, Sweden. Awards: Polish Cultural Department Scholarship, 1986; Jury Prize, 10th Norwegian International Print Triennial, Fredrikstad, Norway, 1992; Lives and works in Falun, Sweden.
Shakir Hassan Al Said
Born Samawa, Iraq, 1925. Degree Social Science, Higher Institute of Teachers, Baghdad, 1948; Diploma Painting, IFA, 1954. Studied at the Acadamie Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1955-9. Participated in the formation of BGMA, 1951 in which he was a prominent and active member as well as The One Dimension, 1971. Taught History of Art at the IFA, 1970-80. Headed the Department of Aesthetic Studies, Ministry of Culture and Information, 1980-3. Dedicated much of his time to research and published widely, with studies on the history of Iraqi art; Islamic heritage; critical essays and articles in Iraqi and Arab periodicals. Awards: National Appreciation Prize, Cagne-sur-Mer International Festival, France, 1975; First Prize, International Festival, Baghdad, 1986, 81; SIPA and UIA Honorary Achievement Awards, 1987; Saddam Prize for Arts, 1986. Artwork in private and public collections including: SAC; Baghdad International Airport; NMMA; Shoman Foundation, Amman; Ghazi Sultan Hall, Kuwait; Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris. Lives and works in Baghdad.
Sadik Alfraji
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1960. BA Painting, IFA, 1982; AFA, 1987 and CHK Graphic Design, Constantijn Huygens Academy, Kampen, Netherlands, 2000. Artist and graphic designer whose most recent designs include this book with all it’s accompanying publicity material. Memberships: Association of Dutch Designers (BNO); Union of Dutch Plastic Artists (BBK); SIPA. Lives and works in Amersfoort, Netherlands.
Sa’ad Ali
Born Diwanniya, Iraq, 1953. Graduated Academy of Fine Arts, Florence, Italy. Lives and works in the Netherlands since 1985.
Sundus Omar Ali
Born Kirkuk, Iraq, 1954. BSc Architecture, Baghdad University, Iraq, 1977; MA Letters/Islamic Art, Newcastle upon Tyne University. Memberships: Richmond Printmakers, 1991. Taught Architectural Design and Graphics in Andalusia, North Africa, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey. Worked in etching and printmaking with the late artist Issam al-Said and at the Shaftsbury Centre, London, England. Artwork in public and private collections: Europe; Middle East; Africa; Australia; North America. Lives and works in Belgium.
Selma al-Allaq
Born Baghdad, Iraq. Graduated AFA, 1971 and worked as a designer for the Iraqi Ministry of Information until 1976. Held post as Art Supervisor at Al-Mustansirriya University, Baghdad, 1976-82. Won First Prize, History Museum, Iraq, 1974. Represented Iraq internationally. Memberships: SIPA; UAA. Lives and works in Baghdad.
Talib al-Allaq
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1937. Higher Diploma Fine Arts, IFA, 1967; BA Fine Arts, Al-Mustansirriya University, Baghdad, 1976; MA Fine Arts, California State University, 1983; PhD Art, Florida State University, 1989. Awards: Golden Medallion, Kuwait Biennial, 1975. Memberships: SIPA; Founder Al-Bidayah, Iraq, 1968.
Yahya Alsheikh
Born Qalat Salih, Iraq in 1945. BA Painting, AFA, 1969; MA Graphic Art, Academy of Fine Arts, Lobiliana, Yugoslavia, 1970; his PhD Science of Art, All Union Research Institute, Moscow, 1984. In addition to being an artist, Alsheikh worked as a designer, illustrator and art professor since 1972. He has received numerous awards including: 1st Prize, Poster of the First Arabic Biennial, Baghdad,1973; 1st Prize, Emblem Design for Al-Wasiti Festival, Baghdad, 1973; 1st Prize Emblem Design for Abu Tammam Festival, Mosul, Iraq, 1974; 1st Prize, Poster of the Second International Conference of (I.A.A aiap UNESCO), 1974; 2nd Arabic Prize, Emblem Design of OAPEC, Kuwait, 1976. Yahya Alsheikh's privately owned works can be found around the world in countries such as Switzerland, Germany, Argentina, Syria, Canada, UK, Russia, Iraq, Tunisia, Lebanon, Slovenia and Ghaza as well as public collections including: Iraqi National Museum of Modern Art, Baghdad, Iraq; Kaen Space, Tunisia, Tunis; Art House, Tripoli, Libya; Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation (Dar Alfunoun), Amman, Jordan and the Ministry of Culture, Athens, Greece. Alsheikh lives and works in Norway.
Amaleed Alwan
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1965. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1988. Lives and works in the Netherlands.
Hassan Abid Alwan
Born Iraq, 1945. Diploma Fine Arts, 1965. Important art critics like Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Shakir Hassan, Nouri al-Rawi, Mohammed al-Jazairi, Farouq Yousif have written about the artist. Organised numerous solo exhibitions in Iraq, Jordan and Kuwait. Executed important murals in Iraq. Memberships: SIPA; UIA; IAA/AIAP (UNESCO); The Pioneers. Took part in contemporary Iraqi art shows in and out of Iraq including Paris, London, Washington, Moscow, Sweden, Madrid, Tokyo, Turkey, China, Cairo, Algeria, Tunisia, Amman, Beirut, UAE, Jordan, Qatar and Kuwait as well as all The Pioneers exhibitions, since 1974.
Jalal Alwan
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1960. Academy Sint Joost of fine art, Breda, Netherlands, 1997; BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1988. Lives and works in the Netherlands.
Rasoul Alwan (1928-96)
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1928. BA Commerce, Baghdad College of Commerce, 1952; later Diploma Painting, IFA; MA Painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Berlin, 1963. Taught art at AFA and IFA until retirement. Memberships: Fellow BGMA; AFS; SIPA; UIA. Participated in fifteen exhibitions organised by BGMA, 1952-72 as well as CIA exhibition in India, 1945. In the year of his death, he was commemorated in an exhibition at Athar Gallery, Baghdad.
Turki Hussain Alwan
Born Nassiriya, Iraq, 1945. BA Ceramics, AFA, 1970; MA Ceramics, Los Angles, USA, 1984. Received numerous awards including the Best Sculpture Award, California, 1985. Organised two solo shows and participated in all the SAC exhibitions from 1985-2000. Memberships: UIA; SIPA; AFA Faculty. Lives and works in Jordan where he teaches ceramics at the University of Balqa.
Shoresh Amin
Born Kurdistan, Iraq, 1965. BA Sculpture, IFA, 1987. Awards: The Nyköping Cultural Award, 1996. Memberships: Swedish Artists’ Association. Sculpts in bronze, Swedish stone, marble and wood. Participated in international competitions in Sweden including: Re-birth, Åkerby Park, 1997; Nyköping Town Centre Project, 1997; Prize-Cup, Mora, 1997; Sculpture of Peace, Oslo, Norway, 1996; International Symposium, Älvdalen, 1995, where artists worldwide created the large-scale stone sculpture Pillar of Water-lilies. Lived and worked in Nyköping, Sweden since 1992.
Jananne al-Ani
Born Kirkuk, Iraq, 1966. Diploma Fine Art, Byam Shaw School of Art, 1989; Arabic BA, University of Westminster, 1995; Photography MA, Royal College of Art, 1997. Awards: Prize Winner, South Bank Photo Show, 1991; Winner of the John Kobal Photographic Portrait Award, 1996. Public Collections: The Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC; Imperial War Museum, London; Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Lives and works in London.
Mohammed al-Araibi
Born Hilla, Iraq, 1943. BA Ceramics, AFA, 1969; PhD Ceramics, Bucharest, Romania; further degree, Japan, 1974. Executed numerous murals in Iraq. Lives and works in Baghdad, Iraq.
Sina Ata
Born New York, USA, 1955. BSc Civil Engineering, Baghdad University, Iraq, 1977 and MSc Building Management, London, 1980.
Yasin Atia
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1963. BA Fine Arts, IFA, 1985. Memberships: SIPA; UIA; IAA/AIAP (UNESCO); ‘N’ Danish Artists’ Group; ‘Fyn’ Professional Artists, Denmark. Lives and works in Denmark.
Hamid al-Attar
Born Kerbala, Iraq, 1935. Graduated with a degree in Law, 1955. Studied painting in Baghdad and West Berlin; Higher Diploma Art Criticism, Cairo University. Founding member SIPA. Honorary Prize, Cagne-sur-Mer International Festival, France. Guest of the Union of Fine Arts, Damascus, Syria, where he exhibited in the Peoples’ Hall, 1983. Participated in the main UIA exhibitions since its inauguration and numerous important exhibitions outside Iraq as well as the recent Strokes of Genius: Contemporary Iraqi Art, tour UK: Brunei Gallery, London; Exeter University, Exeter; Hotbath Galleries, Bath and USA: Grinnell College, Iowa, 2000-2. Lives in England.
Layla al-Attar (1940-93)
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1940. BA Fine Arts, AFA. Awards: Golden Sail Medal, Kuwait; Cairo Biennial, 1984. Director of the SAC, for over two decades where she organised the largest exhibitions of works by Arab artists ever presented. Held five one-woman shows in Iraq and took part in main national and other collective exhibitions in Iraq and abroad. Her tragic death was due to the bombardment of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
Turki Abdul Amir Auda
Born Missan, Iraq, 1941. Degree Painting, IFA; Higher Diploma, Acadamey of Fine Arts, Rome, Italy. Has taught art for twenty years and worked as a designer in Jordan. His work is in private and public collections including the NMMA and Baghdad International Airport. He lives and works in the Netherlands.
Abla al-Azzawi
Born Baghdad, Iraq. BA Ceramics, AFA; continued education at the National Institution of Fine and Applied Arts, Bourgeois, France. Executed important murals including one for the Real Estate Bank. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Held nine solo shows and numerous CIA exhibitions in Iraq and elsewhere including Caracas, Damascus, Vienna, London.
Dia Azzawi
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1939. Degree Archaeology, Baghdad University, 1962; BA Fine Arts, 1964. Awards: First Prize, International Summer Academy, Salzburg, Austria, 1975; First Prize, First Arab Contemporary Art Exhibition, Tunis, 1981; Jury Prize, International Cairo Biennial, 1992. Memberships: Jury member of numerous international festivals. Director for Iraqi Antiquities Department, Baghdad, 1968-76; Art Adviser, Iraqi Cultural Centre, London, 1977-80; UR Magazine, London, 1978-84; Funoun Arabbiya, London, 1981-2; Editorial Board, Jusour Magazine, Washington DC, 1992. Executed numerous limited edition publications. Contributed many articles about contemporary Iraqi and Arab art. Artwork in private and public collections including: NMMA; National Museums of Modern Art in Damascus, Amman and Tunisia; Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris; British Museum; Victoria and Albert Museum, London; Gulbenkian Collection, Barcelona; Una Foundation, Morocco; Museum of Contemporary Arab Arts, Doha. Has lived and worked in London since 1976.
Hikmet Rashid al-Azzawi
Born Iraq. Studied at AFA; MA Fine Arts and Graphics at the University of California. Lives and works in Baghdad where he teaches at the Design Department, Baghdad University, Iraq.
Nouri Mustafa Bahjet
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1924. Graduate Royal College of Medicine, Baghdad, 1948; Diploma Medical Rehabilitation, New York University-Bellevue Medical Centre, 1958. Studied classic music (violin), IFA, 1941-5. Lecturer of ‘Anatomy for Artists’ at IFA and AFA, 1959-68. Memberships: Société Primitive, 1950; Iraqi Symphony Orchestra, 1940s; International Rehabilitation Medical Association of which he was also the founder and head; Iraqi Union of Medical Professions; IAA/AIAP (UNESCO). Awards: Golden Medal, Iraqi Symphony Orchestra Golden Jubilee, Iraqi Ministry of Culture and Information; Silver Medal, SIPA Silver Jubilee, 1982. Lives in Baghdad, Iraq.
Serwan Baran
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1968. BA Fine Arts, Babylon College, Iraq, 1990. Awards: First Prize Free Hand for Youth, 1990; First and Second Prizes, CIA, 1994, 1995. Memberships: UIA; IAA/AIAP (UNESCO); SIPA. Lives and works in Iraq where he is an Assistant Professor at IFA.
Ala’ Bashir
Born Khaneqin, Iraq, 1939. Degree Fine Arts, IFA, 1961. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1970. Awards: Plastic Art, Baghdad, 1997; First Prize, Baghdad International Fair, 1988; Second Prize, International Poster Exhibition, Paris, 1982; Merit Award, Arab Biennial, 1980. Memberships: The Innovationists; SIPA. Took part in many exhibitions in Iraq and abroad. Held joint exhibitions with fellow aritsts Sa’di al-Kabi and Mohammed Muhriddin. Lives and works in Baghdad.
Salman al-Basri
Born Basra, Iraq, 1939. BA Fine Arts, IFA, 1960; AFA, 1978 where he taught art 1982-90. Awards: Iraqi State for the Arts, 1981; Golden Medal, International Festival for Plastic Arts, Kuwait, 1996. Lives and works in the Netherlands.
Wasma Khalid al-Chorbachi
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1944. BA Fine Arts, Beirut College for Women, Lebanon, 1996; MA Painting and Renaissance Art, Pious XII Institute, Florence, Italy, 1967; PhD History of Islamic Art, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1983-4. Prepared and assisted studies on Islamic architecture, decoration and graphics; Arab language and literature and the history of Muslims in China. Worked at the Department of Near Eastrern Languages and Literature, Harvard University. Has lived and moved between Iraq, Egupt, Lebanon, North Africa, Europe and the USA where she currently resides.
Khulood Da’ami
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1956. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1979; further studies in ceramics, printing and textile, London. Memberships: British Crafts Council; Women’s Art Library. Artwork in private collections and public collection worldwide including: The British Museum; National Museum of Jordan; Arab-British Chamber of Commerce. Lives and works in London, England.
Salim al-Dabbagh
Born Mosul, Iraq, 1941. Degree Painting, IFA, 1965. Joined a two years course in graphics in Lisbon, 1967-8. Awards: Bronze Medal, Cairo, 1987; Honorary Award, Germany; Recognition Award, Arab-Spanish League, Baghdad; Golden Sail Award, Kuwait. Memberships: The Pioneers, took part in all their exhibitions. Participated in Iraqi graphic exhibitions in Baghdad, Germany and London. Held several one man shows in Baghdad, Lisbon, Kuwait and Beirut. Lives and works in Baghdad where he teaches at IFA.
Rakan Dabdoub
Born Mosul, Iraq, 1930. Graduated Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, 1965; IFA, 1961. Fellow member of the Pioneers and a member of SIPA and UIA. Received numerous awards including: Dante Award, 1962; Second Prize, Rome Art Competition, Italy, 1962. Participated in the national exhibitions that took place in and out of Iraq. Organised numerous solo-exhibitions in 1968/70/72/73/74/75 and 1976. He lives and works in Baghdad.
Born Sulaymannia, Kurdistan, Iraq, 1965.
Salam Djaaz
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1964. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1994; further degree from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, The Hague, Netherlands, 1999. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Lives and works in The Hague, Netherlands where he also teaches drawing, painting and graphic design.
Eman Dougramaji
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1956. BA Ceramics (Hons), AFA, 1981. Taught at IFA, 1982 and was the head of the Ceramics Department, 1995. Students Supervisor for exhibitions at IFA since 1982. Awards: Honorary Certificates, IFA. Memberships: UIA; SIPA. Lives and works in Baghdad.
Hafidh al-Drobi (1914-91)
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1914. One of the leading figures in contemporary Iraqi art. Studied art in Rome and returned to Iraq in 1936. Established the first free atelier in Baghdad, 1942. Memberships: Founding member The Impressionists, 1953; AFS and took part in all their exhibitions: 1945, 43, 42 and 41. Graduated from Goldsmith College, London, 1950. Participated in the Avicenna exhibition in Baghdad in 1952. Chaired SIPA for six years and was the Dean of AFA for six years. Took part in numerous Iraqi art exhibitions in Europe, 1964. Received Honorary Awards from UIA and SIPA. Artworks in private and public collections including: ministries, universities and museums worldwide.
Mohammed Fahmi
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1953. Awards: an Honorary Award, Berlin International Youth Festival, 1973; Best Poster Award, Solidarity with Chili Festival, 1975; First Prize, Festival of Iraqi Universities, 1978 and Third Prize, Contemporary Arab Art, Dubai, 1994. Memberships: Founding member The Wall Group; Emirates Fine Arts Society, UAE, 1994; SIPA; UIA. Lives and works in the UAE and Aukland, New Zealand.
Maysaloun Faraj
Born California, USA, 1955. BSc Architecture, College of Architectural Engineering, Baghdad University, 1978; ceramic studies, ILEA, London. Awards: Highly Commended Daler & Rowney, London, 1995; First Prize, Ministry of Education, Baghdad, 1983; First Prize, Architectural Dept., Baghdad University, 1973-8; Honourable Mention, AFA, 1973-5; First Prize, Iraqi History Museum, 1970. Memberships: Crafts Potters Association, 1992; London Potters, 1991; Women’s Art Library, 1994; National Artists Association; Artist Newsletter; Society of Fulham Artists; Society of Iraqi Artists in Britain; EU-MAN, Finland. Artwork in private collections worldwide including: HRH Prince of Wales; Sir Wilfred Thesiger as well as public collections including: National Museum for Women in the Arts, Washington, USA; British Museum, London; United Nations, Geneva; The Wereldmuseum, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Has lived and worked in London since 1982.
Karim Farhan
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1958. Studied art in Baghdad and Lausanne, Switzerland where he currently lives and works.
Said Farhan
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1955. Studied psychology, sociology, painting, prints in Baghdad, Paris, Geneva and Lausanne. Member: Society of Swiss Painters, Sculptures and Architects. Teaches drawing and painting in Beausobre College, Switzerland. Executed numerous limited edition publications including: L Absent, Adonis’s Poems, ten images, etching, Lausanne 1984; Ismael, ten images, etching, Lausanne, 1988; Célébration, Les Yeux Ouverts, Geneva, 1987; Désert Entre Ces Murs, Alain Rochat’s poems, ten images, etching, Lausanne, 1993. Lives and works in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Shamsuddin Faris
Born Miqdaddiya, Iraq, 1937. Degree Fine Arts IFA; MA Mural Painting and Design, 1976 and PhD History of Art, 1972. Received an Honorary Award from The College of Applied Arts, Russia. Memberships: SIPA; UIA; The Realism Group, Baghdad. Participated in various group exhibitions in Iraq. Taught at AFA.
Sattar al-Fartuosi
Born Najaf, Iraq, 1963. BA Fine Arts, IFA, 1987. Taught art for 6 years. Left Iraq to Jordan in 1993. Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland.
Ismail Fattah (1934-2004)
Born Basrah, Iraq, 1934. Diploma Painting, 1956 and Sculpture, IFA, 1958. High Diploma Sculpture, Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, 1964 and Ceramics, San Giacomo Academy, Rome. Public commissions include: the Lawyer's Union Facade, Ministry of Industry, 1967; Ministry of Trade, 1970; Monuments of Iraqi poets: Al-Wasiti; Al-Farabi, 1970-5; Conference Palace, Baghdad, 1983 and The Martyr Monument, 1983. Awarded many prizes for monument competitions, 1966-86, Baghdad including: First Prize, Sculpture for Foreign Artists, Margeta Annual Exhibition, 1963, Italy; First Prize, San Via Romana, Italy, 1962 and First Prize, Exhibition Palace, Rome. Memberships: BGMA, 1957; Al-Zawia. Lives and works in Baghdad where he is a Professor of Sculpture at the AFA.
Batoul al-Fikaiki
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1941. BA Fine Arts, IFA, 1963. Took courses in ceramics, weaving and carpet design, Baghdad, 1965. Taught art at all educational levels for 25 years. Developed ‘Model Education and Teaching Methods’ which was adopted in all Iraqi schools. Pioneered the ‘free form painting’ in Iraqi Model Schools. Worked as Art Director, Iraqi Fashion House and Art Consultant, Iraqi Heritage House, Ministry of Culture and Information, Baghdad. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Lives and works in London.
Mun’im Furat (1900-72)
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1900. In his early years, Furat worked as a shepherd, a butcher and a labourer in order to support his family. He continued from job to job until sheer coincidence took him to visit the Iraqi Archaeological Museum from where he was to find his destiny as a sculpture. Intensely fascinated with and inspired by the ancient Somerian sculptures and artefacts, he created a unique, innovative and large body of marble sculptures which were highly contemporary yet true to the Mesopotamian civilisation. His artistic creativity matured in his later years (1959-69) when the Ministry of Culture took interest in his work and supported it. Furthermore, his artwork was studied by local artists in the calibre of Mohammed Ghani Hikmet. In 1970, under the patronage of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture and the Iraqi Embassy in Italy, an exhibition of his works was organised in Rome where it received favourable reviews from world renowned art critics including Alberto Cianttini. Nevertheless, Munim Furat was not affected by all these reactions surrounding his creative output, for his world was one of modest simplicity, earth and nature. Sadly, Mun’im Furat died in a car accident in Baghdad, 1972. A prolific self-taught artist whose profound influence continues till the present day.
Ghassan Ghaib
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1964. BA Fine Arts, IFA and AFA, 1997. Awards: Sixth Al-Wasiti Festival, 1987; National Committee for CIA, 1993 and the Third Prize, Festival of CIA, Baghdad, 1996. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Lives and works in Baghdad, Iraq.
Bassam Faraj Gibrael
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1943. Lives and works in Iraq.
Hassan Haddad
Born Balad, Iraq, 1962. BA Graphic Design, AFA, 1986. Memberships: UIA; Society of Graphic Arts, Germany; Kulturzentrume V (Support Association for the Integration of the Discriminated). Artwork in public collections including: SAC; Gallery Franck & Freund, Netherlands. Lives and works in Germany.
Maurice Haddad
Born Basra, Iraq, 1937. Graduated from IFA, 1961 and embarked on a career in teaching ceramics whilst continuing to paint. Higher Degree in ceramics, Limoges National Institute of Art, France, 1982. Memberships: SIPA; The Innovationists; Founding member UIA. Worked as a consultant in the field of Industrial Ceramics, Baghdad. Author of The Techniques of Ceramic Art which is standard text on the subject in Iraq. Retired from teaching in 1986, dedicating himself to art. Artwork in public and private collections worldwide. Lives and works in Amman, Jordan.
Najat Haddad
Born Basra, Iraq. Diploma Arts and Crafts, Loughborough College of Arts, 1966. Wrote a thesis entitled ‘Ancient Babylonian Art’. Taught art at Basra University, 1970-6. Lives and works in the USA.
Naman Hadi
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1945. Graduated AFA, 1967; Diploma Painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Paris, 1977. Commissioned to paint frescoes in Vaucluse Castle, France. Founder of the Academicians Iraqi Art Group. Taught art in Baghdad and at the Acadami du Feu, Paris, 1974.
Hayat Hafidh
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1928. Graduated AFA, 1955. Memberships: The Impressionists since its initiation in 1953, took part in all their exhibitions. Worked with Hafidh al-Drobi at AFA. Held one-woman exhibitions in Baghdad, 1987, 84, 80, exhibition in Amman, 1993. Became General Director of the Museum of Plastic Arts, Baghdad, 1987 and was also responsible for the arts at the Ministry of Culture and Information.
Suad Hamied
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1954. Graduated from IFA, 1976. Specialised in the history of Mesopotamian art, Bulgaria, 1988. Taught art at the Institute of Fine Arts, Yemen. Lives and works in Sweden.
Ishtar Jamil Hammoudi
Born Baghdad, Iraq. Member of SIPA and UIA. Held numerous solo exhibitions in Iraq and out including Spain and France. Participated in numerous exhibition including: Iraqi Women Artists; Youth Shows, Baghdad. Implemented artworks inspired by the poetry of Beder Shaker al-Sayab, 1973; Buland al-Hadery and Abdul Razzaq Abdul Wahid, 1984.
Jamil Hammoudi
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1924. Diploma, IFA; continued studies in Paris, 1947. Painter and art critic; published several studies on art and while in Paris, published the cultural magazine Ishtar. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Worked as Supervisor of Art Affairs, Directorate of Arts at the Ministry of Information, Baghdad, 1980. Took part in the exhibitions of the AFS in 1942 and 1945 as well as those held by The One Dimension, 1971. Held his first one-man show in 1950. Exhibited in Iraq and many countries worldwide.
Hashim Hannoon
Born Basra, Iraq, 1957. BA Fine Arts, IFA, 1979. Awards: First Prize, Ismail Fattah Competition, Baghdad, 1996; Medal of Distinction, Education Assembly, Baghdad, 1994; Honorary Certificate, Sharja, UAE, 1990; UIA Medal, 1989; Gold Award, Faiq Hassan Youths’ Exhibition II, Baghdad, 1987 and the Golden Sail Award, Fourth Kuwait Biennial, 1979. Memberships: SIPA; Babylon Society for French Art, Baghdad. Lives and works in Iraq.
Born Kufa, Iraq, 1958. PhD Fine Arts, Madrid University, Spain, where is an art lecturer. Awards: First Prize Mencion Especial, 1996; First Prize, Tauromaquia, Madrid; Honour Award Concurso de Pintura Ciudad de Tudela, 1995; First Prize National de Pintura, Medina de Pomar, Burgos, 1994; First Prize, Eleventh Marbella Biennial; First Prize, Certamen National, Plasencia, Spain, 1988. Has lived and worked in Spain since 1980.
Sami Haqqi
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1935. Holds a PhD in Graphic Design. Head of the Design Department at AFA. Also, teaches at IFA and the Engineering College, Baghdad University.
Aynak Hasoon
Born Baghdad, Iraq. BA Painting, AFA. Participated in numerous group exhibitions in various countries worldwide including Tehran, Iran; Amman, Jordan; Jakarta, Pakistan and Stockholm, Sweden and Iraq. Lives and works in Saltsjo-Boo, Sweden.
Faiq Hassan (1914-91)
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1914. Graduated Acadamie Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1938. Founded the Painting Department at IFA, 1939-40 and The Pioneers, 1950 as well as co-founding The Corner Group. Participated in all the PG's exhibitions until 1967, founded and took part in its first exhibition. Memberships: SIPA. Participated in exhibitions organised by AFS and SIPA, 1943, 46. Participated in the Avicenna Exhibition, Baghdad, 1952. Organised a number of one-man exhibitions, Baghdad, 1962, 1967 and 1971. Participated in many national exhibitions outside Iraq.
Farouk Hassan
Born Basra, Iraq, 1939. BA Painting, IFA, 1960; Degree Painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, 1980. Awards: First Prize, Costume and Stage Design, 1972. Translated a number of art related books. Designed theatrical costumes and set stages in Basra and Baghdad. Held numerous solo exhibitions in Basra and Baghdad and participated in many group exhibitions including: Al-Wasiti Festival, Baghdad, 1984; First Arab Biennial, Baghdad, 1974 and the Kuwait Biennial, 1973.
Haithem Hassan
Born Ramadi, Iraq, 1957. BA Sculpture, IFA, 1981; AFA, 1987. Awards: Golden Sculpture Award, Fifth International Babylon Festival, 1993; UIA Certificate, 1992; UIA Medal, 1988; International Hungarian Exhibition of Small Sculptures, 1987; Jewad Selim Golden Medal Award, 1987; First Prize, Seventh Al-Wasiti Festival, 1989; Second Prize, Sixth Al-Wasiti Festival, 1987; First Prize, CIA Exhibition, 1987. Memberships: SIPA; UIA; IAA/AIAP (UNESCO); Founding member of the Four Group, 1995. Lives and works in Baghdad.
Mahmoud Hassan
Born Iraq, 1947. Graduated with a degree in pottery, Baghdad, 1968. Won First Prize in the Thirteenth Exhibition of the Emirates Society of Fine Arts, 1994, of which he is a founding member. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Work is in numerous private and public collections worldwide. Lives and works in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Razak Hassan
Born Basra, Iraq, 1959. Diploma Painting, IFA, 1982; BA Painting AKI, Enshede, the Netherlands. Memberships: Society of East Holland Artists ‘Henk’; Society of Creative Artists SSK, Netherlands; VVK Union of Artists, Netherlands. Lives and works in Enschede, the Netherlands since 1989.
Mohammed al-Hassani
Born Baghdad, Iraqi, 1925. Graduated from the Acadamie Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1958. Founding member of BGMA. Organised solo exhibitions in 1969, 65, 64 and 62 as well as numerous exhibitions in and outside Iraq. Member of SIPA and UIA. National commissions include the Rotating Water Fountain, Abu Nouas Street; Al-Kindi Statue, Muntezeh al-Wihdeh and The Torture of Christ, Saint Thomas Church, Baghdad. He is a sculpture and a painter.
Kadhim Hayder (1932-85)
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1932. Arabic Studies, Higher Institute for Teachers, 1953; BA Painting, IFA, 1957; BA Theatre Design and Graphics, Royal School of Art and Graphics, London, 1961-2. After his return from the UK, taught at IFA, 1962 and AFA, 1968. Headed the Plastic Arts Department, AFA, 1981-2; Founded the Design Department, AFA, 1974. President of the UIA; Vice President of SIPA, 1968-72; President of SIPA, 1973; President of UAA, 1970s; Founded Jam’iyat al Acadimieen ‘Society of Academics’, Baghdad, 1969. Was also a writer and a poet with various publications including Al-Takhtit wal Elwan ‘Sketching and Colours’ which became a standard text book at AFA. Organised art related exhibitions and conferences. He had ten solo exhibitions in Baghdad, London and the Middle East during the period 1951-84. Took part in numerous group exhibitions world-wide. His most famous works are Melhamet al-Shahid ‘The Martyr’, based on a poem he wrote, Baghdad, 1965. Artworks are in private and public collections world-wide.
Mohammed Ghani Hikmet
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1929. Graduated IFA, 1952; Academy of Rome, 1958. Specialised in bronze casting, Florence, 1961 and took further studies in the art of medals, Institute of Zaka, Rome, 1957. Memberships: AFS; BGMA, 1953; Al-Zawiya, 1967. Taught sculpture at IFA and AFA and the College of Architectural Engineering, Baghdad University. Executed a number of statues and monuments in important sites in Baghdad. Since 1951, took part in main national and group exhibitions in Iraq and abroad. Since 1958, held numerous one-man shows in Rome, San Remo, London, Beirut and Baghdad.
Born Kirkuk, Kurdistan, Iraq, 1960. Awards: First Prize, Honorary Award and Graphics Award, First and Seventh Al-Wasiti Festival, Baghdad, 1989, 1987, 1985; Appreciation Award, First Youth Fair, Baghdad, 1982. Memberships: SIPA, UIA. Lived in Japan where he ran a gallery for three years. Lives and works in Paris as a full time painter.
Born Sulaymannia, Kurdistan, 1971. Studied in art schools in Kurdistan; Soerikov, Moscow and AKI School, Netherlands where he also studied Ceramics and Graphic Design at the Gerrit Rietveld. Artwork used by Amnesty International, 1996-9. Lives and works in the Netherlands.
Ismail Huzayim
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1961. BSc Architecture, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1988; MA Computer Imaging, Westminster University, 1995. Works in Graphic Designs. Participated in the Westminster University Annual exhibitions since 1995. Lives and works in London.
Hassan Ibrahim
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1962. Fine Arts Diploma, IFA, 1983. Awards: First Prize, Muhriddin Competition, 1998; Honorary Award, Babylon International Festival, 1994. Lives and works in Iraq.
Tariq Ibrahim
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1938. Diploma Ceramics, IFA, 1959; Diploma Ceramics, Central Institute of Applied Arts, Peking, China. Taught ceramics at IFA and AFA. Executed many important ceramic murals in Iraq. Lives and works in Baghdad.
Ali al-Jabiri
Born Imara, Iraq, 1948. Graduated from IFA; studied sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, Italy and took courses in decoration. Held numerous solo exhibitions and participated in most of the exhibitions organised by SIPA. Lives and works in Italy.
Khalid al-Jadir (?-1988)
Born Baghdad. Law degree; Painting, IFA; PhD History of Islamic Art, Sorbon, Paris. Held several solo exhibitions in Baghdad, 1955-7; Berlin, 1959; Prague and Bucharest, 1960; Denmark, 1965 and Saudi Arabia, 1968. A member of SIPA and UIA.
Haky Jasim
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1958. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1982. Further studied sculpture, drawing, oil painting, graphics and other artistic media at the Academy of Fine Arts, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, where he achieved an MA Fine Arts, 1990. Work is in private and public collections: The State Museum, Poland; the National Museum, Belgrade; The Gyor Museum, Hungary; Cosmopolitan Gallery, Sweden. Lives and works in Sweden.
Ramla al-Jassim
Born Nassirriya, Iraq, 1955. Diploma Graphics, IFA, 1977. Executed a number of free-standing murals in the Rumaila Desert, Basra, Iraq and Amman, Jordan. Memberships: SIPA; UIA; Society of East Holland Artists ‘Henk’. Lives and works in the Netherlands.
Khidher Jerjis
Born Mosul, Iraq, 1939. Gained BA Painting, AFA, 1964. First solo presentation at the French Institute of Education, Baghdad, 1971, followed by a second at Al-Riwaq Gallery, Baghdad, 1981. Group participations includes: SIPA shows organised in and out of Iraq; National Exhibitions, Baghdad; First Baghdad Biennial, 1974; Adam & Eve Group; Al-Wasiti Festival, 1984; Contemporary Iraqi Art, Bahrain, 1981; Portrait Show, NMMA as well as numerous shows in Paris, London, Rome, Moscow, Jakanda, Tokyo, South America, Cairo, Ankara, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Beirut and others. Public commissions include a major mural at Saddam International Airport, Baghdad. Lives and works in Iraq.
Yihya Jewad
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1928. Obtained a scholarship to study calligraphy, painting, sculpture and design in 1947. Contributed numerous art articles to main Iraqi journals, magazines and media. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Held several solo exhibitions in Iraq including a retrospective exhibition at NMMA, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Information, 1998. Took part in most group shows held in Iraq since 1956.
Fuad Jihad
Born Nasirriya, Iraq, 1946. Diploma from IFA, 1967; Diploma Graphics and Books Illustration, University of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary, 1973 and studied Interior Design, USA, 1976-82. Worked as an artist and illustrator at the Ministry of Education, Baghdad. Memberships: SIPA; UIA; BGMA. Taught design at IFA, 1968-75. Lives and works in Baghdad.
Salih al-Jumai’e
Born Siwaira, Iraq, 1939. BA Fine Arts, IFA; Californian College of Arts and Crafts, USA. A prominent artist of the sixties. Has lived and worked in Alameda, USA since 1980.
Sa’di al-Ka’bi
Born Nejaf, Iraq, 1937. Diploma Fine Arts, IFA, 1960. Worked as an art teacher in Saudi Arabia, Director of the Department of Planning, SAC and Cinema and Stage Designer, Iraq. Awards include the Asian-European Exhibition, Ankara, 1990; Gold Medal, Bangladesh Triennial, 1986; First Prize, India Triennial, 1982; Golden Sail Prize, Kuwait Biennial, 1981; Honorary Award, Cagne-sur-Mer International Festival, France, 1981 and 1980.
Nida Kadhim
Born Basra, Iraq, 1929. Graduated from IFA, 1965. Memberships: Founding member The Innovationists. Participated in the major travelling Iraqi exhibitions held in Europe during the mid-sixties.
Ardash Kakafian (1940-99)
Born Iraq, 1940. Degrees in Architecture and Painting, Academe Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Founding member SIPA. Founding member of SIPA. The first exhibition of his work took place in Baghdad, 1958. Received numerous awards including 1st Prize, Salon d’ Autumn, 1967 and the Dom Prize, Paris, 1970. Held his first solo exhibition in Baghdad, 1958. Participated in many exhibitions in Paris, Amsterdam, Boston, Germany and Denmark including Contemporary Arab Artists III, Iraqi Cultural Centre, London, 1983. Lived in Paris, France from 1960 until his death.
Jafar Kaki
Born Khanaqin, Iraq, 1951. BA Fine Arts, IFA, 1976; BA Fine Arts, San Fernando, Madrid, 1984; PhD Fine Arts, 1989. Taught Chalcographic Engraving in Spain at the Escuela de Verano Internacional de Gravado, Calella and the International University Menedez, 1991-2. Awards: First Prize and Scholarship, Pilar Juncosa y Sothby’s, Foundation Juan Miro, Majorca, Spain, 1995; Honorary Prize, Maximo Ramos International Prize XI, El Ferrol, Spain, 1994 and 1984; Carmen Arozena International Print Competition, Madrid, Spain, 1988 and 1982 and the First and Second Japan International Print Biennial, 1986. Artwork in private collections including: HRH King Juan Carlos I, Spain and public collections: Museums of Modern Art in Bello Pineiro, Spain; Norway; Japan; Spain; Tunisia; Asilah, Morocco and other national museums in Italy, Jordan and France. Lives and works in Madrid, Spain.
Aras Kareem
Born Sulaymannia, Iraq, 1961. Studied at the Centre for Arts, Sulaymannia, 1977-80; Foundation Drawing, Sulaymannia, 1998-2000. Works and lives in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Farouk Kaspaules
BA Art History and Art Theory (Honours), Cum Laude, University of Ottawa, 1988. Held numerous posts including: Management Committee Chairman, SAW Gallery, 1994-7; Artist in Residence, 1988-91; Assistant Teacher, University of Ottawa, 1986-88 and Jury member. Memberships: The Arts Council, Ottawa, 1998. Lives and works in Ottawa, Ontario.
Leila Kawash
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1945. National Diploma Design, Manchester School of Art and Architecture, 1996, continued studies at Corcoran School of Art, Washington DC, 1987-92. Artworks in private and public collections worldwide. Lived in Abu Dhabi, UAE; Athens, Greece; London and currently in Virginia, USA.
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1963. Studied painting, AFA. Awards: First and Third Prizes, CIA, Baghdad, 1994, 93; Best Artist, Al-Jamhouriya Newspaper, 1991-2; Honorary Certificate, the National Committee for Plastic Arts, Baghdad, 1987, 85. Lives in the Netherlands.
Halim al-Kerim
Born Najaf, Iraq, 1963. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1988; Rietveid Academy, Amsterdam, 1999. Awards: Sculpture Prize, Sorsuk Museum, Beirut, 1994; Ceramic Prize, Sorsuk Museum, 1998, 95. Artwork in private and public collections: Jordan; Museum of Modern Art, Doha, Qatar; lnstitut du Monde Arabe, Paris; Sorsuk Museum, Beirut, Lebanon; Shoman Foundation and the Royal Society of Fine Arts, Amman, Jordan. Lives and works in Amersfoort, Netherlands.
Nihajat Khalaf
Born Kirkuk, Iraq, 1964. BA Ceramics, AFA, 1988. Lives and works in the Netherlands.
Adham Ibrahim Khalid
Born Diyala, Iraq, 1934.
Eman Ali Khalid
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1963. Graduated with a degree in Painting from IFA, 1984. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Lives and works in the Netherlands.
Abdul Kerim Khalil
Born Iraq, 1965. BA Sculpture, AFA, 1987. Memberships: Youth Plastic Arts Club. Lives and works in Baghdad, Iraq.
Amer Khalil
Born Hilla, Iraq, 1957. BA Sculpture, AFA, 1981; MA Sculpture, 1987. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Artwork in private collections in Amman, Paris, Rome, London and Berlin. Lives and works in Iraq where he is a teaching staff member at the Art Education College, University of Babylon.
Ihsan al-Khateeb
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1949. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1973. Owns and manages the International Craft Gallery, UAE. Awards: Second Prize, Winsor and Newton International Competition, UAE, 1999; First Prize, Contemporary Arab Art, Dubai, UAE, 1994; Honorary Award, Tenth Anniversary, Emirates Fine Arts Society, 1990; First Prize, Seventh Olympic Poster Design, UAE, 1986. Work in numerous private and public collections including the Cultural Foundation, Abu Dhabi; Royal Family Collections, Sharja and Ajman; National Oil Company, Abu Dhabi. Memberships: The Artists Alliance, Auckland, New Zealand; Founding member the Wall Group and the Emirates Fine Arts Society, UAE; SIPA. Based in Auckland, New Zealand.
Abdul Amir al-Khatib
Born Nejef, 1961, Iraq. Studied theatre and journalism, 1975-86, Art Management, School of Art and Communication, 1993-4 and radio production and journalism, 1996, Iraq. MA Arts Management, Sibelius Academy, Finland. Worked in theatre design and television in Iraq and Finland. Taught Arabic Language and Culture, University of Turku, Finland, 1994-5 and Radio Production and Journalism, Helsinki, Finland, 1999. Chairman of EU-MAN. Organised several projects in Finland including Art Harmonises the World; Atelje Kampe, 1997; EU-MAN 98; Tour exhibition Participation, 1999-2000. Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland.
Osama Khatlan
Born 1954. Studied at the Pratt Institute of Professional Studies, New York, 1992-4; School of Visual Arts, New York, 1991-3; Academy of Fine Arts, Florence, Italy, 1989-91; Degree Advertising, photography and colour reproduction, State Art Institute, Florence, Italy, 1984. Worked in book illustration, cartoon editorial, photography and advertising. Lives and works in New York, USA.
Hashim al-Khattat (1917-73)
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1917. Gained a Qualifying Certificate from the eminent calligrapher Mullah Ali al-Fadhli, Baghdad, 1943; Honorary Degree in Calligraphy, The Royal Institute, Cairo, Egypt, 1944; Two Diplomas from the calligrapher Hamid al-Amedi, 1950, 52. Supervised the print of the holy Quran implemented on the hands of al-Turki Mohammed al-Rushdi. Lived in Germany for three years to supervise the printing of the holy Quran, 1966. Decorated numerous mosques in Iraq including al-Shaheed, al-Shaikh Abdul Qadir al-Kailani, al-Haider Khana, al-Muradiya and Bunnia. Designed Iraqi Money and coin metals for Tunisia, Morocco, Libya and Saudi Arabia. A retrospective exhibition of his works was held in London, 1978.
Salam Khedher
Born Amara, Iraq, 1953. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1976; Quebec University, Montreal, 1994. Further studies include: Painting and Etching, Municipal Institute, Barcelona, Spain, 1980-85; Illustration & Mural Painting, Madrid University, Spain, 1980-82; Silkscreen Printing, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1987-91. Work is in public collections: NMMA; Civil Museum, Canada and private collection in Lebanon, USA, Canada. Lives and works in Bòlach, Switzerland.
Selma al-Khoury
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1949. BA (Hons) Fine Arts, AFA, 1963. Memberships: SIPA; The Innovationists. Lives and works in London with her artist husband Hashim al-Samarchi.
Dhia al-Khuza’e
Born Diwaniya, Iraq, 1955. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1978. Won First Prize, SAC, 1997; Jewad Selim Award, Athar Gallery, Baghdad and Ismail Fattah Art Competition, Hewar Gallery, Baghdad, 1996. Memberships: SIPA; UIA and participated in many of their exhibitions and those organised by the Ministry of Culture and Education, Baghdad. Work in private collections in Jordan, Cyprus, London and Japan. Lives and works in Baghdad.
Abbas Kwaish
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1963. BA Ceramics, AFA, 1989; MA Ceramics, AFA, 1994; PhD Ceramics, AFA, 2000. Memberships: UIA; SIPA; Teachers Union, Baghdad; Institute of Practical Arts Faculty, Baghdad. Artwork in private and public collections including: SAC; Baladna Forum, Amman. Awarded First Prize for the Silver Medal Design, The Organisation of Art Institutes, Baghdad, 1995. Lives and works in Baghdad where he teaches the art of ceramics at AFA.
Sattar Luqman
Born Baghdad, 1944. Diploma, IFA. Memberships: SIPA; Fellow member of Al-Bidaya Group. Lives in Baghdad, where he works as an art teacher at Al-Jumhurriya School.
Malak Madlom
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1955. Educated at the College of Economy and Administration, Baghdad University, Iraq, 1980. Completed her education in Yemen where she worked as teacher and journal designer. Studied art in Sweden, 1992. Lives and works in Malmö, Sweden.
Mune’m Madlom (1918-99)
Born Mesan, Iraq, 1918. Educated at the High Institute for Teachers, Baghdad, Iraq, 1939. Taught art in various schools for forty years as well as IFA where he taught many of today’s artists. Was the director of the Illustration Centre, Ministry of Education, Iraq; responsible for an art (painting and sculpture) program for Baghdad television, 1958-60. Organised numerous solo exhibitions in painting and sculpture, Baghdad, 1950-59 and various group exhibitions, Baghdad, 1960-70. Artwork in private and public collections including clubs and offices, Baghdad. Died in Baghdad, 1999.
Talib Makki
Born Nassiriyah, Iraq, 1937. Diploma Sculpture, IFA, 1959. Memberships: The Innovationists; SIPA; UIA; IAA/AIAP (UNESCO). Participated in most group exhibitions in Iraq. Lives and works in Baghdad, Iraq.
Hana Mal Allah
Born Thee Qar, Iraq, 1958. Diploma BA Graphics, IFA, 1978; BA Painting, AFA, 1989; MA Painting, AFA, 2000. Prizes include Honorary Awards for Young Artists, 1993; UIA, 1992; Arab League, UNESCO, 1991 and First Prize, Al-Wasiti Eighth Festival, 1991. Work can be found in private collections in Jordan, Yemen, Tunisia and London and public collections includeing NMMA and Jordan. Memberships: IAA/AIAP (UNESCO); UIA; The League for Iraqi Fine Arts Critics; Founding member Hewar. Lives and works in Baghdad where she is currently the Head of the Graphics Department, IFA.
Ali Mandalawi
Born Hawasiya, Kurdistan, Iraq, 1958. BA Painting, AFA, 1980. Writer and illustrator. Lives and works in London.
Ali Rissin Mansour
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1963. BA Sculpture, AFA, 1988. Prizes: Jewad Selim Silver Award; Second Youth Festival, Baghdad; Honorary Award, Jeresh Festival, Jordan and Bronze Award, 1993, Babylon Festival. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Took part in most exhibitions held at SAC and Baghdad, Hewar and Athar Galleries in Baghdad. Lives and works in Baghdad.
Imad Mansour
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1964. Degree Laboratory of Movement and Plastic Arts, Paris, 2000; Laboratory of Ceramic, Athena, 1990; Diploma Film Director AFA, 1980-6. Worked in illustrations of Cartoons, Baghdad Television, 1983; the tenth anniversary of the Arabic World Institute, Paris, 1998; weekly page, Majelati magazine, Baghdad, 1984-6; Children’s Books, Baghdad, 1981-6. Memberships: Founder and Art Director of the Chanachill association, Villepinte, France 1996-99; Babel Art Association, Saint-Coutant, France 1995-7; Founder and creator of the artistic events of the troupe The Gypsies Caravan, Baghdad, 1984-6 Lives and works in Paris, France.
Tariq Ma’rouf
Born Hilla, Iraq, 1946. BA Sculpture, AFA, 1972. Taught art 1963-72. Worked as Director of Sculpture and Design, Iraqi War Museum and carried out conservation work on ancient sculptures. Held numerous teaching posts in Morocco’s Higher College of Youth, 1980-3 and lectured in History of Art, Algeria’s Said Bin Ahrash School, 1983-4. Participated in the making of a 6m bronze sculpture of the Arab poet Al-Mutanabbi’s, designed by Iraqi artist Mohammed Ghani Hikmet. Numerous special commissions include life size bronze sculptures in Iraq and Morocco. Won numerous awards including: Iraqi Women’s Union Sculpture Competition, 1978 and First Prize, IAU, 1974-6. Owned and managed Gallery Cayraain, Rabat, Morocco. Artwork in private collections: Algiers; Morocco and public collections: NMMA. Lives and works in Canada and Spain.
Haydar al-Maruf
Born Hilla, Iraq, 1960. Diploma Painting, IFA. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Lives and works in Hanover, Germany.
Hassan Massoudy
Born Iraq, 1944. Studied art at the Academie Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, where he held several exhibitions. Participated in many collective exhibitions including those organised by SIPA; French Cultural Centre, Baghdad, 1969 and the Paris Biennial, 1973. Lives and works in Paris as a designer and calligrapher.
Fakhir Mohammed
Born Babylon, Iraq, 1954. BA Painting AFA, 1977; Higher Diploma Painting, AFA, 1980. Awards: Second Prize, UAE, 1984; Silver Prize, Faiq Hassan Young Artists Competition, Baghdad, 1985; Merit Award, Cagnes-sur-Mer Festival, France, 1984. Memberships: SIPA; UIA; Founding member The Four, Baghdad. Artwork in private collections: Jordan; UAE; Yemen; Libya; Italy; France; Germany; Netherlands; Spain. Lives in Hilla, Iraq, where he is Assistant Art Professor, University of Babylon.
Iyad al-Mousawi
Born Santa Maria, Canada, 1955. Studied lithography and art history at the Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1986-9. The Rousseau et Vermette Scholarship, Artist in Residence, Printmaking, The Banff Centre, Canada, 1991. Worked with Arab cultural magazines; Kuwait and Funoun Arabbiyah and wrote critical essays on History of Art in Al-Siyasa wal al-Watan. Artwork in private and public collections: UAE; Kuwait; Jordan; Saudi Arabia; Tunisia; Morocco; Europe; Canada; USA. Lives and works in Canada and the UAE.
Saad al-Mousawi
Born Nasirriya, Iraq, 1962. Graduated AFA, 1990. As a consequence of the Gulf War he lived for four years in the Rafha Desert Camp, Saudi Arabia, during which time he organised two group exhibitions with fellow Academy graduates, 1993-4, where he also taught art. Work in private collections throughout Saudi Arabia, Canada, Europe and Australia where he lived for a while. Lives and works in England.
Hani Muhyiddin al-Mousilli
Khalid al-Mubarek
Born Basra, Iraq, 1958. BA Fine Arts; Diploma Sculpture, AFA, 1985. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Lectured at the Sculpture Department, IFA, Basra, 1988-1991. Won numerous awards from cultural institutes and ministries in Iraq.
Zahra al-Mufti Born Baghdad, 1951. BA Painting, Lebanese American University, Beirut, 1972; BA (Hons) Textile Design, Central School of Art and Design, London, 1976; MA Fine Arts, John F. Kennedy University, California, 1996. A lecturer on Textile Design in the USA, 1986-89 with numerous essay contribution to American newspapers including the Herald Tribune; San Francisco Examiner and Home Textile Today. Awards: 1994 Best Collaborative Mural, Harlan Street Women Artist’s Mural, Precita Eyes Mural Arts Centre, San Francisco, California. Work is in private and public collections in Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Canada, Venezuela, Florida and the Bahamas. Lives and works in Walnut Creek, California.
Mohammed Muhriddin
Born Basra, Iraq, 1938. Studied painting in Baghdad 1956-9. Degree in Arts from the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, Poland, 1966. Granted an Honorary Award, Sixth Asian Art Biennial, Bangladesh, 1993; First Prize, Second International Festival, 1988; Second Prize, Ankara First International Art Biennial, Turkey; Honorary Prize, International Poster Exhibition, Baghdad, 1986. Lives and works in Iraq.
Nedim Muhsin
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1962. BA Printmaking, IFA, 1985; BA Sculpture, AFA, 1990. Further studies in the Netherlands include: Ceramics at the European Ceramic Work Centre, Den Bosch, 1996 and Graphic Design, Hogeschool voor Kunsten, Utrecht, 1997- 2001. Memberships: The European Ceramic Work Centrum (EKWC). Lives and works in the Netherlands.
Gular Mustafa
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1972. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1994. Worked as an art lecturer, IFA, 1995 and graphic designer at the Centre for Performing Arts, Noor al-Hussein Foundation, Amman, 1996. Memberships: SIPA. Lives and works in Amersfoort, Netherlands.
Maha Mustafa
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1961. Degree, AFA, 1984. Executed several public artworks in Sweden. Artwork in private and public collections including: NMMA; National Museum of Modern Art, Amman; Kristianstad Kommun, Sweden. Awards: First Prize, Sixth and Seventh Al-Wasiti Festival, 1987, 89. Lives and works in Malmö, Sweden.
Mahdi Muttasher
Ghalib Nahi
Born Missan, Iraq, 1932. Diploma Painting, AFA, 1954; Higher Diploma Graphics Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, Italy. Published numerous articles on Graphic Art in main Iraqi newspapers and journals. Also worked in conservation and restoration. Memberships: The Pioneers; SIPA; UIA: IAA/AIAP (UNESCO). Lives and works in Baghdad where he is a teacher at AFA.
Khalid Al Naib
Adel Nagi
Born Iraq, 1960. Diploma Fine Arts, IFA, 1969; AFA, 1974; Higher Diploma, Florence Academy of Fine Arts, Italy, 1987. Also works in animation, illustration, photography and video production, 1979-98. Organised numerous solo exhibitions throughout the USA and group shows in Iraq, Italy and the USA. Artwork in private and public collections including: Vatican City, Italy; the White House, USA. Lives and works in Arizona, USA where he is a teacher of ceramics.
Qassim Naji Ali Najjar
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1940. Diploma Art, IFA, 1961. Memberships: SIPA; UIA; Jordanian Plastic Art Association; Mesopotamia-Holland Plastic Art Association. Has held sixteen solo exhibitions throughout the Arab world. Lives and works in the Netherlandsndnds.
Azad Nanakeli
Born Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq, 1951. Diploma Fine Arts, IFA, 1975; Academia di Bella Arti di Florence, Italy, 1979; Diploma Lithography, Scuola Internazionale d’Arte Grafica, Florence, Italy, 1983. Lives and works in Florence, Italy.
Rafa al-Nasiri
Born Tikrit, Iraq, 1940. BA Graphics, IFA, 1959. Further studies include: Graphics in both Peking, China, 1959-63, and Lisbon, Portugal, 1967-9. Headed the Graphics Department at IFA. Received numerous international awards including: First Prize, Baghdad International, 1986; Honorary Prize, Fredrikstad Fourth International Graphic Biennial, Norway, 1976; Jury Prize, Cagne-sur-Mer International Festival, France, 1977 and Honorary Award, Summer Academy, Salzburg, Austria, 1964. Jury member at the International Graphics, Berlin, Germany, 1987. Artwork in private and public collections world over. Lives and works in Bahrain.
Walid Nasrallah
Thuraya Ahmed Al Nawab
Qassim Nayif
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1963. BA Ceramics, AFA, 1988, where he currently teaches. Awards: First Prize, Eighth Al-Wasiti Festival, 1991, Baghdad: Two First Prizes, CIA, SAC, 1995, 96; Second Prize, 1994. Memberships: SIPA; UIA.
Fakhri al-Niaimi
Aghnar Niazi
Born in Iraq. BA Plastic Arts Design and Decoration, AFA, 1982; MA Fine Arts, Baghdad University. Awards: Silver Award, United V&P Arts, Australia, 1999; Recognition Certificate, Fairfield Elite, Australia, 1998; Appreciation Certificate, College of Architecture and Fine Arts, Manila, Philippines, 1998. Taught art in Iraq. Moved to Iran after the Gulf War, and later to Sydney, Australia where she resides today.
Kadhim Nwir
Born Diwanniya, Iraq, 1967. BA Painting, Academy of Fine Art, University of Babil, 1989; MA Painting, AFA. Published numerous papers in art criticism. Memberships: SIPA; UIA; Jama’et al-Tabeer. Awards: First Prize, Homage to Jewad Selim, 1997; Honorary Certificate, UIA, 1997. Lives in Iraq where he is an art teacher at the University of Babil.
Amer al-Obaidi
Born Najaf, 1943. Achieved a BA Painting from both IFA and AFA. A fellow member of the Pioneers until 1974; the Innovationists and the July 17th Group. Participated in numerous exhibitions in and out of Iraq including those organised by SIPA in Moscow, Paris, Warsaw, Spain, USA and the UK as well as Cagne-sur-Mer International Festival, France and the Sixth Triennial, New Delhi, India and the Fifth International Biennial, So Paolo, Brazil. Awarded First Prize, International Exhibition, Ibiza, Spain, 1964. Obaidi was the director of NMWA. Lives and works in Baghdad, Iraq.
Mahmud al-Obaidi
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1962. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1990; New Media Certificate, University of Ryerson, Ontario, Canada, 1996; Diploma Film Directing, Hollywood Film Institute, Los Angeles, 1996; MA Fine Arts, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 1999. Awards: Golden Medal, Mahras International Fesitval, Tunisia; Judge Award, Sharja Biennial, UAE and Honorary Award, Baghdad. Memberships: IAA/AIAP (UNESCO). Artwork in private collections: Middle East; Europe; USA and public collections: Mahras Museum of Art, Tunisia; National Museum of Modern Art, Amman; Sharja Museum, UAE; Quebec Museum of Modern Art, Canada. Lives and works in Canada.
Madiha Omar
Born Aleppo, Syria, 1908. BA Fine Arts, Corcorron Fine Arts College and the University of Washington, USA. Studied in Istanbul, London and Washington. Madiha Omar is reputed for being the first to utilise Arabic calligraphy in abstract form since 1944. Received an Honorary Award, Corcorron Fine Arts College, 1947. Taught art in Baghdad and held many exhibitions in Baghdad, Beirut, Sudan, Turkey and the USA. Participated in world art conferences and lectured on art. Organised eighteen solo exhibitions, 1950-80 and numerous group shows throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East and the USA. Lives and works in New York, USA.
Widad al-Orfeli
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1939. BA Social Services, Beirut Women's College, 1951; Graduate Fine Arts, IFA. Travelled extensively moving between European and Arab countries. Held numerous solo exhibitions in Bon, New York, London, Amman and Baghdad and took part in numerous group exhibition in Baghdad since the late 1950s including those organised by SIPA of which she is a member. Established and managed Al-Orfeli Gallery, the first private art gallery in Baghdad, 1980. Artwork in private and public collections world-wide. Lives and works in the UAE.
Born Sulaymannia, Kurdistan, 1962. Trained at the IFA, Sulaymannia.
Sheddad Abdul Qahhar
Born Iraq, 1960. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1985. Awards: Creativity Prize, 1997; both the Golden Award, 1996 and the Silver Award, National Committee for the Arts, Baghdad, Iraq, 1993; UIA Award, 1993 and First Portrait Prize, 1988. Memberships: SIPA; UIA, IAA/AIAP (UNESCO). Works and lives in Baghdad, Iraq.
Khalid al-Qassab
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1924. Degree Medical College, Baghdad University. One of the early members of The Pioneers. The first exhibition of the Pioneers was inaugurated in Dr Khalid al-Qassab’s residence, Baghdad where he took part in all their exhibitions as well as numerous national shows held in Iraq and abroad. Founding member of the UIA. Lives in Baghdad, Iraq.
Rajiha al-Qudsy
Born Iraq. BA Painting, AFA. Worked as a designer, Ministry of Culture; art teacher, AFA. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Lives and works in Baghdad, Iraq.
Mohammed Quraish
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1965. BA Painting, AFA, 1994. Awards: First Prize; Medal of Distinction; Recognition Award, CIA, Babylon, 1994. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Lives and works in the Netherlands
Salman Radhi
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1962. BA Sculpture, AFA, 1989. Awards: Honorary Prizes: Baladna Forum; Jeresh Festival, Jordan, 1997; First Prize, Ismail Fattah Award, 1997; First Prize Golden Award, SAC, 1996: Silver Award, Babylon Festival, 1993. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Took part in all the main exhibitions held in Iraq since 1989. Lives and works in Baghdad.
Nuha al-Radi
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1941. Trained at Byam Shaw School of Art, and Chelsea Pottery, 1961-3. Taught art at the American University, Beirut, 1971-5. Works include important governmental and private commissions. Artwork in private and public collections worldwide including the British Museum, London. Based in Baghdad, but commutes between Baghdad, Jordan, Lebanon and England.
Khalid al-Rahhal (1926-83)
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1926. Diploma Sculpture, IFA, 1947; Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, 1964. Memberships: BGMA. Took part in all the national and other collective exhibitions held in Iraq and abroad. Completed several important monuments and statues in Baghdad including Al-Jundi al-Majhoul ‘The Unknown Soldier’.
Ibrahim Rashid
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1957. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1983. Commissioned for a number of public works in Malmö, Sweden including: Kommun, Lomma, 2000; General Hospital, 1997 and the Culture Project, 1995. Awards and grants include: Swedish Art Foundation, 1996; Kiruna Culture Grant, 1999; Al-Wasiti Festival Prize, 1885; First Prize, Iraqi Critics Award, 1982. Artwork in numerous private and public collections: NMMA; National Museums of Modern Art in Amman and Sweden: Malmöhusläns Lansting; Lomma Kommun; Kiruna Museum and Sturp Airport; in Denmark: Copenhagen AMT; Dansk Bank and Jusk Bank. Lives and works in Malmö, Sweden.
Naziha Rashid
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1932. Diploma Drawing and Painting, IFA, 1955; BA Arabic Language and Literature, College of High School Teachers, Baghdad, 1955; National Diploma Design Scholarship Painting, Chelsea School of Arts, London, 1963; MA Creative Arts and Painting, University of Maryland, Washington, D.C. 1967. Special activities include: Photography Editor, Rabat, Morocco, 1993; Art Consultant, Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Rabat, Morocco, 1993; Professor of Fine Arts, University of Baghdad, 1970-1984 and television art series producer, Baghdad, 1975-1980. Awards: Honorary Certificates: International Exhibition, UAE, 1990; Central Artist’s Guild, 1987. Memberships: Artists League of Brooklyn, 1990-2000; UIA, 1973-1990 and AIFA, 1973-1990. Artwork in private collections world wide and public collections: NMMA. Lives and works in Brooklyn, USA.
Abdul Qadir al-Rassam (1882-1952)
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1882. Studied art at the Military College, Istanbul, Turkey, 1904. His style set the path for the generations that followed. Memberships: AFS. A collection of his work is shown at The Pioneers Museum, Baghdad.
Faeq Rasul
Born Kirkuk, Kurdistan, Iraq, 1955. Diploma Fine Arts, IFA, 1979. Has lived and worked in Vienna since 1987.
Imad al-Rawi
Born Kirkuk, Iraq, 1956. BA Sculpture, AFA, 1979; Diploma Calligraphy and Ornamentation, Institute of Crafts, Baghdad, 1986; Higher Diploma Restoration of old Documents, Institute of Arab Documentary, Baghdad, 1989. Chaired the Iraqi Ceramics Society, 1986 and received the Saddam Award for Sculpture, SAC, 1989. Lives and works in London.
Nouri al-Rawi
Born Rawa, Iraq, 1925. Graduated Teachers College, Baghdad, 1941. BA Fine Arts, IFA, 1959. Received two scholarships for art studies in Yugoslavia, 1962 and Art Management, Portugal, 1966. Wrote and presented ‘The Art Programme’, Baghdad Television, 1975. Chairman of SIPA, 1980. Secretary of the National Committee League of Art Critics, Iraq. Contributed numerous critical essays on art to various Arab and foreign journals. Wrote valuable books including Meditations on Contemporary Iraqi Art, 1962; ‘Path to Iraqi Folklore, 1962; Jewad Selim, 1963 and Contemporary German Art, 1965. Curator at NMMA. Headed the Department of Fine Arts, IFA. Memberships: Fellow of The Pioneers; UIA; Founding member UIA. Lives and works in Baghdad.
Born Tawela, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1962. Studied sculpture in Baghdad, and went back to Kurdistan in 1985 to help form the Kurdish Artists’ Union. Left Iraq in 1992 settling first in Paris and then England where he obtained a BA Fine Arts, Middlesex University, 1997. Assisted in the formation of Edwarina Artists’ Group, 1992. Published and illustrated two books on poetry. Lives and works in London, England.
Talal Refit
Born Kirkuk, Iraq 1957. Studied Architecture (Regional Planning), Middle East Technical University, Turkey, 1984. Has lived and worked in Germany since 1985 where he teaches painting and graphics at Volkshochschule.
Born Diwanniya, Iraq, 1945. Art degree, IFA, 1967; further degree from the Academia di Belle Arti, Florence. Participated in various exhibitions in Iraq until 1977, then moved to Italy. His works are in private collections in Syria, Italy, Sweden, Australian and the USA. Lives and works in Florence and Prato, Italy.
Ridha Hassan Ridha
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1953. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1978; Diploma Drawing, Academy of Belle Arti, Perugia, Italy, 1982; Diploma Graphic Design, Higher School for the Arts, Berlin, 1987. Worked in various media including graphic design, cartoon, book illustration, film and photography. Awards: First Prize, International Caricature Biennial, Skobia, Yugoslavia; First Prize, Ehapa Comic, Germany, 1987 and Best Cartoonist, Kyoto International, Japan, 1991. Memberships: The Union of Artists’ (BBK), Germany, 1987; Fabrik Kopenick Committee for Cartoonists, Berlin, 1992; German Journalists’ Union, 1993. Lives and works in Germany.
Kerim Rissin
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1960. BA Painting, AFA, 1988. Memberships: SIPA; Founding member BGMA. Received numerous awards including: Recognition Prize, First Youth Show, 1985; Second Prize, Al-Wasiti Festival, 1987; Faiq Hassan Silver Prize, 1987; Referee Award, International Biennial, Cairo, 1988 and First Prize, Ain Gallery, Amman, Jordan, 1994. Artwork in private collections: Qatar; Kuwait; Jordan; South Africa; Tunisia; Sweden; USA, Germany; London; Spain; France; Portugal and public collections: Darat al-Funoun, Amman; NMMA. Lives and works in Baghdad.
Shawket al-Rubai’e
Born Amara, Iraq, 1943. Graduated from IFA, 1962. Co-Founder of Al-Janoub (The South) Fine Arts Association, 1965; SIPA. Directed the Basra branch of SIPA.
Munir al-Saadawi
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1952. Studied art at the Rome Academy of Fine Arts, Italy, and specialised in Graphic Design at the Arts College, Madrid, Spain. Artwork in public collections in Spain: National Library, Madrid; Museum of Contemporary Spanish Prints, Marbella; Museum of Modern Art, Tunisia; Museum of Graphic Art, Cairo; Tama University Museum, Tokyo, Japan. Awards in Spain include: Third Prize, Association of Painters and Sculptures, Madrid; Honorary Award, Fifth Print Biennial, Josep de Ribera Xativa and Second Prize, Association of Painters and Sculptors, Madrid and the Norwegian International Print Triennial; Third Prize, Seventh International Print Biennial, Taiwan. Lives and works in Madrid, Spain.
Faisal al-Saadi
Born Misan, Iraq, 1939. Graduated from IFA, 1965. Completed two frescos at Sujood Palace and the Television Station, Baghdad. Artwork in private collections: Germany; Netherlands; Sweden; Syria; Lebanon; Jordan; England. Memberships: SIPA; UIA; IAA/AIAP (UNESCO).
Monkith Saaid
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1959. Diploma Sculpture, Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, 1995; Academy of Arts, Utrecht, 1993; Damascus University, Syria, 1983, 87. Executed various public works including: Design for the Wamate Service Fifth Anniversary, Netherlands, 1997; Design from the Art and Culture Prize, Nieuwegien, Netherlands, 1997; 12m and 15m monuments, Damascus, Syria, 1988 and 1986. Further activities include: Advisor of the Arctic Foundation, Netherlands and the Triennial, Copenhagen, Denmark. Also Art and Culture Exhibition Organiser, National Museum of Modern Art, Amman and Sharja, UAE. Work in private and public collections internationally. Lives and works in the Netherlands.
Atta Sabri
Born Kirkuk, Iraq, 1913. Completed his education at Dar al-Mualimin ‘House of Teachers’, Baghdad, 1934 when he began teaching in numerous Iraqi schools. Departed on a government scholarship to study art in Rome, Italy, 1937-40, however was not able to complete his studies due to the outbreak of World War II, when he returned to Baghdad. Worked as an art employee at the Department of Antiquities, Baghdad, 1940-4. BA Fine Arts, Slade School of Art and Goldsmiths College, 1946-50. Taught art at IFA, and other schools in Iraq until 1960 and later became an Inspector of Fine Arts. Honoured along with his colleagues Faiq Hassan, Hafidh al-Drobi and Akram Shukri. Memberships: Fellow SIPA, 1972. Invited by the University of Martin Luthor to participate in the conference for crafts, Germany, 1973.
Mahmoud Sabri
Born 1927. Memberships: The Pioneers. Studied Social Sciences in England and exhibited annually with The Pioneers until 1962. His famous painting entitled The Algerian Revolution is considered an important event in the Iraqi art movement where he follows a Cubist, symbolic style which shows the influence of Picasso’s Guernica. His followers still pursue his revolutionary trend, though he himself has moved on to a purely abstract style. This is founded on his own theory of ‘quantitative realism’ based on a scientific analysis that interprets objects by abstracting colour. Resides in Prague.
Mohammed Sabri
Born Iraq, 1955. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1997; MA, AFA, 1982. Memberships: The Four; SIPA; UIA. Participated in most group exhibitions in Iraq and CIA exhibitions held in China, Kuwait and Germany. Lives and works in Baghdad where he is a teacher at AFA.
Qassim al-Sabti
Born Iraq, 1953. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1980. Memberships: UIA; Iraqi-French Group, Babylon, Iraq. Awards: Bronze Medal, Faiq Hassan Award for Youth, 1985; Recognition Award, Al-Wasiti Festival, 1984 and Honorary Award, UIA, 1984. Artworks in private collections: Egypt; Jordan; Italy; France; Germany; Tunisia; Turkey; USA. Lives and works in Iraq where he teaches free-hand drawing at the University of Technology, Baghdad, 1980 and at AFA, where he has been a faculty member since 1989.
Miran al-Sa’di
Qassim al-Sa’edy
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1949 Degree Painting, AFA, 1974 Taught art at the College of Fine Arts, Tripoli, Libya, 1988-90 where he completed a number of murals Memberships: Mesopotamia Foundation, Netherlands, 1995; SIPA, 1973; Caravan International Artists, 1994; IAA/AIAP (UNESCO) France, 1992 Lives and works in the Netherlands.
Mohammed al-Safi
Lamia Abdul Sahib
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1965. Graduated from IFA, Graphics, 1985. Worked as an illustrator for children’s books and Arab journals. Artwork used by UNICEF. Lives and works in France.
Issam al-Said (1939-86)
Born 1939. BA Architecture, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1961. Studied art at Hammersmith College of Art and Design, London, 1962-4. Prepared for a PhD, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1988. Co-author of Geometric Concepts in Islamic Art, by World of Islam Festival, London, 1976 in addition to several articles on Islamic art and architecture published in Europe and the USA. Artwork in numerous private collections worldwide and public collections: Victoria and Albert Museum, London; Museum of Modern Art, New York; NMMA; National Mueum of Modern Art, Amman.
Kadhim Khalil Said
Khuloud Saif
Born Basra, Iraq, 1944. Diploma Sculpture, Barking College, 1966. Taught Art at Baghdad University, 1971-85 and later worked as a sculptor in London, 1966-71.
Zeid Salih (1921-86)
Born Iraq, 1921. A prominent member of the Pioneers and the Son of the artist Mohammed Salih Zeki. A cavalry officer and painter who went on to study art in England. Known for his skilful impressionistic interpretations. In his last years he went into seclusion, intent on further development of his art.
Hayder Salim
Dawood Salman
Mahir al-Samara’e
Born Samarra, Iraq, 1950. BA Ceramics, AFA, 1976; MA Ceramics, California State University Los Angeles, 1985. Taught ceramics at AFA, 1985. Lives and works in Iraq.
Hashim Samarchi
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1937. BA Painting, IFA, 1957; AFA, 1966. Granted scholarship from the Gulbenkian Foundation to study graphic art, Lisbon, 1967. Awards: First Prize, Arabic Art Exhibition 1967, arranged by Carreras Craven ‘A’. Memberships: UIA; SIPA. Lives and works in London.
Awni Sami
Born Zakho, Iraq, 1956. BA Graphics, IFA, 1979. Took part in several group shows in 1980-3. Later took part in group exhibitions in various cities in the Netherlands and Germany. Has lived and worked in the Netherlands since 1993.
Khalid Izaat Sami
Badri Fadhil Assamarria
Maheen al-Saraf
Born Kerbala, Iraq, 1942. BA Painting AFA, 1967. Taught painting, graphics and sculpture at AFA for twenty years. Established the Al-Saraf Gallery, Baghdad, 1992, which she continues to run and where the works of many well-known Iraqi artists are displayed in solo and group exhibitions. Awards: Second Prize, Kuwait Biennial, 1995; First Prize, Babil International Festival, 1990; Honorary Award, Iraqi Airways, Paris, 1973; First Prize, Cairo Biennial, 1972; Numerous Prizes, Baghdad. Memberships: SIPA; UIA; UAA. Lives and works in Baghdad, Iraq.
Siham al-Saudi (1941-88)
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1941. Studied ceramics at AFA, and later completed a specialist course on the same subject in Italy. Taught ceramics at IFA and IFA. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Artwork in numerous private and public collections worldwide.
Aziz Selim
Born Sulaimanniya, Kursdistan, early 20th century. Often described as Kurdistan’s First Artist, Aziz Selim is one of Kurdistan’s pioneering artist. Executed numerous artworks publicly including a wall mural for the Salam Hotel in Sulaimanniya. One of his most famous works is the Slaughter of Armenians, 1912, which was bought at the time by the Brazilian Ambassador. The artwork entitled A Village in Kurdistan depicts the holy pilgrimage site of Ain Darweesh in Sheqlawa. Aziz Selim died recently.
Jewad Selim (1921-61)
Born Ankara, Turkey, 1921. Awarded government scholarships to study sculpture in Paris, 1938-39, Rome 1939-40 and the Slade School of Art, London, 1946-49. A prominent figure in the formation of the modern art movement in Iraq. Returned to Iraq in 1949 where he became a founding member of IFA, 1949; BGMA, 1951; SIPA, 1956. He worked at the Baghdad Museum of Antiquities where he spent several years restoring Sumerian and Assyrian reliefs. After having painted his most mature works in the fifties he decided to relinquish painting and concentrate all his energy on sculpture. Headed the Department of Sculpture, IFA until his untimely death in 1961. The culmination of his career was his famous sculpture ‘Monument for Freedom’, now a landmark of Baghdad. His style caught the imagination of virtually an entire generation of later artists and evoking a shared humanity and defining a sense of historical identity and national character, which inspired many Iraqi artists to emulate until this day. He died of a heart attack in 1961.
Lorna Selim
Born Sheffield, 1928. Won a scholarship to study at university, Diploma Painting and Design, Slade School of Fine Arts, University College, London University, 1948. Further Art Teachers’ Diploma (ATD), London University Institute of Education, 1949. Worked as an art teacher at Tapton House Grammar School, Chesterfield, England, 1949-50. Married Jewad Selim in Baghdad, 1950. Special activities include: Art teacher at Ta’ssisiya School, Baghdad, 1951; Iraqi Pavilion Design, International Fair, Damascus, Syria, 1954; lecturer and teacher of drawing and painting, Women’s College, Baghdad, 1961; Supervised the completion of the Monument of Freedom, 1961 and taught Drawing at the Architecture Department, Engineering College, Baghdad University, 1965. Memberships: BGMA, 1951; AFS, 1950; SIPA, 1956. Awards: Gulbenkian Foundation Gold Medal for Painting, 1966. Returned from Baghdad to live in the United Kingdom, 1971. Lives and works in Abergavenny, Wales.
Neziha Selim
Born Istanboul, Turkey, 1923. Diploma Painting, IFA, 1946; Higher Diploma Fine Arts, Academie Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1951 where she was also a student of the artist Frenand Leger with further art studies in Germany. After spending seven years in Paris, she returned to Baghdad where her artistic output expressed the central concern of a contemporary style of Baghdadi painting and the issue of Iraqi women Took part in the exhibitions of BGMA in the 1950s; AFS, of which she was a member as well as the main national group exhibitions held in Iraq and abroad. Artworks are in private and public collections world over. Lives and works in Baghdad where she has taught for many years at AFA.
Nizar Selim (1925-82)
Born Ankara, Turkey, 1925. Educated at the College of Law, Baghdad and studied at IFA for three years until 1952 when he was appointed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and consequently served as diplomat in Syria, Germany, Sudan, Sweden, Libya, Yugoslavia and the Peoples Republic of China. Nominated as the General Director of Arts, Ministry of Information and Culture, Baghdad as well as Secretary of Art Affairs for Iraq at the United Nations, 1972. Contributed greatly towards the development of art in Iraq: he was responsible for the promotion of the National Symphony Orchestra and the National Fashion house and Ballet School and the Department of Antiquities, Baghdad Museum where he was the founder of the Department of Renovation and Reconstruction. Nizar Selim was also an author and art critic. He wrote the first book on Contemporary Iraqi Art Al Fen-al-Iraqi al-Mu’asir in 1979, which was translated from Arabic into several languages and which is now a valuable source of reference on the subject. Since the young age of seventeen, besides painting in oils, water colour, crayons, ceramics and sculpture, Nizar Selim also wrote short stories, plays and poetry. In the mid-1970s, an International Jury nominated him as one of the best one hundred cartoonists in the world. Held many one man shows in Bon, Baghdad and Stockholm and other countries, 1955-79. He died of a heart attack in 1982.
Rashad Selim
Born Khartoum, Sudan, 1957. Diploma Graphics and Printmaking, IFA, 1980; Postgraduate Diploma Audio Visuals, St Martins School of Art, London, 1983. Took part in the Thor Heyerdahl expedition, 1977-78 (construction and crew member: Sumerian reed boat following ancient trade routes between Mesopotamia, Indus Valley and Red Sea). Work has involved teaching and lecturing on art in various countries including Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen and England, since 1980; illustration; stage design; photography; film production; Art Advisory Consultant with the UN and non-governmental organisations. Established and developed numerous cultural associations including: Friends of the Children’s Hospital, Rabat, Morocco; International Halaqa, Yemen and Ashford Visual Artists; Ashford Visual Artists. Artwork in private and public collections worldwide including the British Museum, London. A junior member of the Selim dynasty of artists. Based in England, and regularly commutes between North Africa and Europe.
Yasin Shaker
Born Sammara, Iraq, 1936. Practised painting at Hafidh al-Drobi’s art studio. Memberships include SIPA, UIA, and the Impressionists Group where he participated in all their exhibitions, inside and outside Iraq. Held the post of Director of Arts at the Tourist & Resort Department and Art Supervisor at the Ministry of Youth, Baghdad, Iraq. Lives and works in Amman, Jordan.
Saad Shakir
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1935. Diploma Ceramics, IFA, 1959; BA Ceramics, Central School of Art and Design, London, 1961; Harrow College, 1964. Awards: Honorary Award, British Cultural Week, London; Honorary Award, Iraqi Ministry of Information; Silver Jubilee Prize, UIA, 1956-81. Memberships: SIPA, since 1959; Crafts Potters Association, London, UK, 1964; International Ceramist Academy, Switzerland, since 1963; IAA/AIAP (UNESCO), since 1990. Artwork is numerous private and public collections including: Reading Museum, UK; Gorgel College, Cambridge; SAC; National Museums of Modern Art, Iraq, Amman and Qatar as well as the United Nations Museum, USSR. Returned to Iraq in 1966 where he continues to live and work as a teacher of ceramics at IFA.
Omid Shali
Born Sulaymannia, Kurdistan, Iraq, 1957. Diploma Painting from Petro Vannucci Accademia of Fine Arts, Perugia, Italy. Exhibited in Sulaymannia, Kirkuk, Erbil and Dohuk.
Khadhim Shamhood
Born Iraq. Graduated AFA, 1974. Worked as a cartoonist in Baghdad Television, 1970-7. PhD History of Islamic Art, University of Madrid, Spain, 1991 where he further studied carving, mural painting and relief. Worked as an illustrator and cartoonist in Spanish children’s magazines ABC and YA, 1988 and co-produced cartoon films for Spanish film companies. Co-founder of the ‘Sound of Carving Group’ and ‘Baghdad Modern Art Group’, Spain. Won numerous awards at several international exhibitions and Biennials in Spain, Bulgaria, Taiwan and China. Held eighteen solo exhibitions and numerous group shows in Iraq and abroad. Lives and works in Spain.
Ismail al-Sheikhly (1924-2002)
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1924. BA Fine Arts, IFA, 1945; further degree at the Acadamie Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1951. Founding member SIPA and The Pioneers, 1956. Took part in the exhibitions of the AFS, 1946 and numerous group exhibitions in Iraq and abroad. Held the position of Director General of the Directorate of Plastic Arts in Baghdad.
Suzanne al-Sheikhly
Graduated Institute of Applied Arts, France, 1940. Taught art for more than thirty five years. Memberships: The Pioneers, 1953; SIPA; UIA.
Khudair al-Shekerchi
Born Baqouba, Iraq, 1937. BA Painting, AFA. Awards: Honorary Award, Kuwait Biennial, 1983; Honorary Award, First Qatar Exhibition for Gulf Countries, 1980. Held numerous solo exhibitions at SIPA, Riwaq Gallery, NMMA and the Society for Heritage and the Arts, Baghdad and others. Participated in the national exhibitions organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture, in Iraq and abroad and well as the exhibitions of the 17th July Group. Lives and works in Baghdad, Iraq.
Mohammed al-Shimmery
Born 1962. Memberships: UIA, SIPA; International League for the Arts, Paris. Lives and works between Baghdad and Amman, Jordan.
Akram Shukri (1910-?)
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1910. The first Iraqi scholar to study art in England, 1930. President AFS, 1941; Vice President UIA, 1956 where he became President in 1963, 64. Appointed as King Faisal’s private teacher, 1947.
Kerim Sifo
Born Mosul, Iraq, 1953. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1979 and went to Paris for further studies, 1980 where he worked as an artist and designer at the Iraqi Culture Centre.
Hussain al-Sikafi
Born Qadissiya, Iraq, 1947. City and Guilds Professional Photography, Westminster College, City of London 1999; BA Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Mustansirriya College, Baghdad University, 1972; Diploma Education and Psychology, University of Damascus, Syria, 1985. Awards: Three consecutive First Prizes, Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society, 1996-7. Has lived in London since 1990.
Kamal Sultan
Born Qadissiya, Iraq, 1956. BA Graphics, IFA, 1977; BA Lithography, School of Fine Arts, Madrid, Spain, 1979 and BA Fine Arts, Sant Jordi for Fine Arts, Barcelona, Spain 1992. Lives and works in Cambrils, Spain.
Sa’ad al-Ta’e
Born Hilla, Iraq, 1935. Graduated with a degree from AFA. Artwork in private and public collections including NMMA. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Taught at IFA.
Lily al-Tai
Born Baghdad, Iraq. Studied Fine Art and Design, Byham Shaw School of Art, London, 1975-9; courses in lithography, etching and pottery. Memberships: Hanwell Artists. Has held workshops and taught art in London where she has lived since 1974.
Ali Talib
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1944. Painting, 1961-66; Graphic Design, Cairo, 1977-80. Teaching Plastic Arts since 1966. Awards: First Prize, Baghdad International Festival of Plastic Art, Iraq, 1986; First Prize, Second Sharjah Biennial, UAE, 1995. Memberships: Founder member of The Innovationists, 1965; Shadow Group, 1969. Lives in the Netherlands.
Jafer Taoun
Born Basra, Iraq, 1963. BA Fine Arts, IFA, 1986. Executed a number of public commissions in Malmo. Other activities include children’s workshops, theatrical design and public commissions. Awards: First Prize, Forosdramatik, Malmo, 1996. Lives and works in Malmö, Sweden.
Fawzia Tawfiq
Born Iraq. MA Pharmacy, Medical College of Pharmacy, Baghdad University, 1961. Studied art in Weybridge, Esher and Cobham, 1980 and private tuition under the supervision of artists Kadhim al-Khalifa and Maria Winter. Lives and works in London .
Hashim al-Tawil
Born Kerbela, Iraq, 1958. BA Painting, AFA, 1973; MA Graphics and Painting, University of Hartford, Connecticut, USA, 1978; PhD Art History, University of Iowa, 1993. Also an Art Historian; President Hira Arts; Cultural & Educational Co-ordinator, Oakland Community College, 1995; Instructor in art history, painting, drawing, graphic design and printmaking, AFA, 1978-87. Won numerous awards including: Art and Art History scholarship, University of Iowa, 1991; First Prize Printmaking, Turkey Asian/European Art Biennial, 1986; Honorary Award, Cairo Biennial, 1985. Memberships: SIPA; UAA; UIA; IAA/AIAP (UNESCO). Artwork in private collections: Middle East; Europe; USA and public collections including NMMA; Copenhagen Museum of Graphics; Baghdad International Airport; Royal Collection, Amman. Lives and works in Michigan, USA.
Bassim al-Tikriti
Born Tikrit, Iraq, 1945. BA Sculpture, AFA. Held numerous posts including: Head of the Sculpture Department, Arts and Crafts Institute, Baghdad 1970 where he was also Assistant Administrator, 1972 and Head of the Arts and Heritage Institute, Baghdad, 1987.
Sadiq Toma
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1952. Diploma Fine Art and Design, AFA, 1974. Worked in various media including: television animation; illustration; graphic design and painting. Artwork in private collections worldwide. Lives and works in London.
Amer al-Ubaidi
Graduated from IFA, and AFA. Numerous solo shows and national group exhibitions held in Iraq and abroad since 1966 including the New Delhi Triennial, India and So Paolo Biennial, Argentine. Won First Prize, International Exhibition, Spain, 1964. For a while, held the post as director of NMMA.
Samer Usama Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1964 Diploma Graphic, IFA, 1985. Worked as a supervisor for the Print Studio, Darat al-Funoun, Shoman Foundation, Amman, Jordan, 1997. Artworks in private and public collections including: Modern Graphic Art Museum, Cairo, 1990; the Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha. Lives and works in Amman, Jordan.
Khalid Wahal
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1961. BA Graphic Design, Baghdad University, 1986; Diploma Painting, IFA, 1982.
Abdul Rahim al-Wakil
Born Babylon, Iraq, 1936. BA Sculpture (Distinction), IFA, 1959; National Diploma Design, Chelsea School of Art, 1965; MFA, Pennsylvania State University, USA, 1983. Further studied Bronze-casting, Central School of Art, London and at the Morris Singer Foundry. Headed the sculpture and bronze-casting department, Directorate General of Antiquities, 1966, Baghdad. Delegated by Ministry of Culture to study Monuments and Museums, Portugal, 1967. Headed the Sculpture Department at IFA, 1969-81. Artwork in private and public collections: Edinburgh University, Scotland; Chelsea College of Art, London; Allington, Devizes, Wiltshire; Berber Gallery, New York; Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal. Participated in exhibitions with eminent artists including Picasso, Anngoni, John Piper and Sir Stanley Spencer. Public Commissions include: Commemoration Medal, Tenth Anniversary, July 30 Revolution, 1979; 8m bronze and marble monuments celebrating the co-operation between Iraq and Poland, 1969. Memberships: BGMA; SPA; UIA; Society of American Sculptors; International Federation for Medals. Lives and works in London.
Nazar Yahya
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1963. BA Fine Arts, AFA, 1986. Won Third Prize, Homage to Jewad Selim, Baghdad. Artwork in private and public collection: NMMA; National Museums of Modern Art in both Amman, Jordan and Doha, Qatar. Memberships: SIPA; UIA. Lives and works in Iraq.
Najib Younis al-Sharif
Born Mosol, Iraq, 1930. Achieved a High Diploma Art, Academy of Arts, Cairo, Egypt, 1945. A founding member of the atelier at the University of Mosol. Held a retrospective exhibition at NMMA, 1985 and participated in numerous exhibitions held in Mosol and Baghdad including the Al-Masour Group show, Baghdad, 1955.
Suha Yusuf
Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1950. BA Fine Arts (Hons), American University of Beirut, Lebanon; Higher Diploma Printmaking, Chelsea School of Art; MA, RCA Stained Glass and Printmaking, Royal College of Art; Diploma, Interior Design, Inchbold School of Design. Artwork in private and public collections: NMMA; National Museum of Modern Art, Amman. Memberships: Chartered Society of Designers; International Society of Designers. Lives and works in London.
Mohammed Saleh Zeki (1888-1974)
Born in Baghdad, Iraq, 1888, where he died in 1974. Completed his education in Baghdad and graduated from the Military Academy, Istana, Turkey. In continuation, he studied painting at the House of Fine Arts for one year thereafter in Baghdad. Concentrated on painting realistic scenes of landscapes, where he executed a large amount of artworks recording his observations of the numerous countries which he visited. Travelled to Europe in 1938, visiting the art museums there. Took part in major SIPA exhibitions of which he was a member. The Iraqi environment was a focal theme in his artistic output with recurring elements such as the palm tree, rivers and orchards in addition to sunset scenes over Iraq’s southern planes and northern valleys as well as scenes from Iraq’s political history i.e. the 1920 revolution.

AFA - Academy of Fine Arts, Baghdad, Iraq BGMA - Baghdad Group for Modern Art ‘Jama’et Baghdad lil Fen al-Hadith’ CIA - Contemporary Iraqi Art AFS - Art Friends Society ‘Jami’yat Asdiqa’ al-Fen’ IAA/AIAP (UNESCO) - International Artists Association/ International Identification for Professional Artists (UNESCO) IFA - Institute of Fine Arts, Baghdad, Iraq NMMA - National Museum for Modern Art, Baghdad, Iraq SIPA - Society of Iraqi Plastic Artists SSE - Selected Solo Exhibitions UAA - Union of Arab Artists UIA - Union of Iraqi Artists IFA- Institute of Fine Arts, Baghdad, Iraq AFA – Academy of Fine Arts, Baghdad, Iraq SIPA – Society of Plastic Artists
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Further detailed information on contemporary Iraqi art and artists is available in the book Strokes of Genius: Contemporary Iraqi Art (Saqi Books).